Post-Apocalyptic Cooking: Some Tips to Get You Started
As we all know, the End is Near.
Image via Komo News,
Not the zombie apocalypse -- the CDC has reminded us that zombies aren't real. Yet.
I'm talking about the REAL End Days -- the moments leading up to the Eschaton, the final judgment for all people. Why is the world ending? You might ask. I'll tell you: I don't know.
But the Internet has made it quite clear that it probably definitely will. According to the interwebs, common symptoms of the apocalypse may include:
-Collapse of social institutions, such as kickball teams and celebrity chef cooking shows
-Nuclear winter
-The destruction/hacking/solar flare burn-up of the power grid
-Universal health care
-Extreme food shortages
With this in mind, it makes perfect sense that my friend Joanne, who blogs far more delicious food and far more frequently than I over at, would have received a letter from a reader suggesting he was appalled my friend doesn't own a solar oven or a 30-year supply of food.
I am inspired, then, to add to the useful apocalypse related news and tools on the Internet by providing my beloved readers with this post (full list after the jump):