Help! Pumpkin Pie Question and Happy New Year
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 10:55AM
Hungry Sam in pie, pumpkin, sweet

UPDATE: I should totally have mentioned -- this is my 100th post on Hungry Sam! More on that next time, of course.

SPEAKING of pies...

As it will be the year 5772 in just a few hours, I'll be celebrating with friends tomorrow evening at a Rosh Hashana potluck hosted by my friends Rebecca and Rachel. Yeah, so we're Jewish.

Anyways, though not a traditional RH dish (I don't know if they HAVE pumpkins in the Holy Land), I've got a wicked hankering for pumpkin pie -- so that's what I'm making. I'm torn, however, between my mom's recipe (which uses half &half) and two other techniques (one which uses cream cheese, the other sweetened condensed milk). Any advice, Hungry Sam readers?

Finally, I leave you with this picture of my adorable cousin and me making pumpkin pies a few years ago.

Shana tova, may you be inscribed in the book of life for a happy, healthy, and food-filled new year!

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